Blacktown Shorts - Sydney Opera House 2024 WINS FBI SMAC Award for Best Arts Program (7th November, 2024)

IF Magazine - Screen NSW names teams for Short to Feature Fast Track initiative (19th October, 2023)
Development funding for feature film Adjustments and production funding for short proof-of-concept HOMO announced during SXSW Sydney 2023.

ScreenHub - Vonne Patiag interview: 'short films are the best thing that's ever happened to me (3rd July, 2023)
Vonne Patiag on his ongoing career and development insights.

Queeries - Vivid Ideas Exchange (11th June, 2023)
Part of Vivid Ideas' Human Nature series. Challenge the 'natural' ways of thinking, and explore the emerging new normals across sex, relationships, body politics, travel and more. Featuring singer-songwriter Montaigne, drag artist Etcetera Etcetera, memoirist Bastian Fox Phelan, poet Freya Daly-Sadgrove, novelist Fiona Kelly McGregor, comedian Gen Fricker and screenwriter Vonne Patiag. Hosted by arts critic Jared Richards.

Scenestr - Flickerfest gives Parramatta and Campbelltown a window into short film talent (9th May, 2023)
Too Many Ethnics goes on a screening tour throughout Western Sydney with Flickerfest.
Screen Australia announces $700,000 in Story Development over 20 Projects (21st March, 2023)
Funding announcement, including Tomgirl feature announcement.
Sydney Morning Herald - Unpacking the ‘racism maths’ of the nightclub queue (20th January, 2023)
Feature article about 'Too Many Ethnics' at Flickerfest, and Vonne's views on racism in the nightclubbing scene. First solo feature article in a National Publication.

FilmInk - Vonne Patiag: Too Many Ethnics at Flickerfest (29th December, 2022)
Feature article about the upcoming World Premiere of 'Too Many Ethnics' at Flickerfest, and Vonne's views on racism in the film industry.

Screen NSW - Award winning filmmaker Vonne Patiag is first in line for diversifying the screen industry (21st December, 2022)
Interview about Vonne's ongoing career, diversity in the industry and his new short film Too Many Ethnics, which has its World Premiere at Flickerfest 2023.

Screen Australia announces Talent USA Delegates (26th August, 2022)
Announcement for delegates participating in Talent USA in New York.

The Curb - Vonne Patiag Talks Here Out West, The Long Shift, and Receiving an AWGIE Nomination in Part Two of This Deep Dive Interview (Jan 21st, 2022)
Second part of the deep dive into the fascinating career of Vonne Patiag including there process of working on Here Out West.

The Curb - The Unstoppable Vonne Patiag Talks Queer Narratives, Halal Gurls, Imposter Syndrome, and More in Part One of a Deep Dive Interview (Jan 12th, 2022)
A deep dive into the fascinating career of Vonne Patiag (so far).

IF Magazine - Sydney Film Festival 2021 Program Announcement (October 2021)
Here Out West announced as Opening Night Film of Sydney Film Festival 2021.

TIFF Filmmaker Lab (September 2021)
Participants for the 2021 iteration of the prestigious TIFF Filmmaker announced. The Lab unites 20 upcoming directors from across the globe in a talent development program in support of their first features.

NFSA - Bringing Sydney's West to the World (July 2021)
Guest article by Vonne Patiag about 'Halal Gurls' and the lesson learned of inclusive practice that can be shared with the wider film industry.

SMH - The ‘hired help’ steal the show in SBS’s riotous heist comedy - May 26th, 2021
Interview with Vonne Patiag about 'The Unusual Suspects', detailing inclusive development and production practice.

Variety - Inside Out Reveals Finance Forum Projects and Exec Participants (EXCLUSIVE) - May 13th, 2021
'Tomgirl' (upcoming feature film) is announced as one of eight exclusive feature film projects selected for the Inside Out Film Finance Forum.

SBS - Australia’s Biggest Singalong! co-host Julia Zemiro shares her SBS On Demand top picks - May 28th, 2021
'Tomgirl' (short film) included in Julia Zemiro's top picks on SBS onDemand.

SBS - The Unusual Suspects Announcement - September 28th, 2020
SBS has commissioned ‘The Unusual Suspects’, a new Australian four-part heist series from the makers of ‘Lion’.

IF Magazine - November 3rd, 2020
Leading Female Directing Team join Emerging Writers for Anthology Feature Here Out West.

Blacktown Shorts Article - October 17th, 2019
The Australian Article: "Blacktown Shorts Celebrates a 'magical sense' of feeling home" + accompanying video

halal gurls trailer premiere - September 24th, 2019
Huffington Post Article: "World's First Hijabi Comedy Series Halal Gurls."

reel deal - June 29th, 2019
Facilitated discussion with the AGNSW Youth Collective around the film Just Another Girl On The I.R.T. by Leslie Harris at the Art Gallery of NSW.

man up - March 10th, 2019
All About Women (Festival) - Sydney Opera House
What exactly is "toxic masculinity"? What makes sweet little boys grow up to become violent men? Do gender stereotypes affect men as well as women? And what makes a good man? A panel discusses all things masculinity - with Clementine Ford, Osher Günsberg and Vonne Patiag. Hosted by Edwina Throsby.

re-thinking gender - March 4th, 2019
"In The Philippines they think about gender differently. We could too."
Article written regarding fluid gender identities and what we can learn from looking at other cultural practices of sexuality. Published to the Guardian (Australia and Worldwide).
Link to Article

masculinity in the #metoo era - February 21st, 2019
ABC Radio National - with Phil Barker.
There is little question the #MeToo movement has lifted the lid on what women have always known - that harassment and violence against women is widespread across society and touches women from all walks of life. So how do men enter this discussion in a meaningful way - and help enact change?

asian-australians changing the narrative - October 4th, 2018
Profile on I-D, chronicling new talent changing the narrative in filmmaking.

sbs interview - June 17th, 2018
Interview with SBS Filipino regarding filmmaking practices in Western Sydney, and the all-too-real geographical prejudice that comes with the territory.

queerstories - February 9th, 2018
"The In-Between" - Vonne Patiag takes a strange look at the behind the scenes drama during a short film production, involving voodoo shamans and a hate-criming pineapple.
Queerstories is an LGBTQIA+ storytelling night programmed by Maeve Marsden, with regular events in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.